Masterclass di Direzione di Banda con Pieter Jansen (Conservatorio di Maastricht)

FROSINONE (FR), dal 5 al 7 Giugno 2012 – Nell’ambito del Progetto Erasmus del Conservatorio “L. Refice”

Il masterclass Erasmus si terrà i giorni 5 – 6 – 7 giugno con il seguente orario:

  • mattina: dalle ore 10 alle ore 12 – prove individuali con gli studenti
  • pomeriggio: dalle 15 alle 18 – prove con l’orchestra

Le lezioni teoriche si svolgeranno presso le aule del Conservatorio “L. Refice” di Frosinone, mentre le prove d’orchestra presso l’auditorium comunale di Frosinone. L’orchestra è la “L. Refice wind symphony orchestra“, costituita dal M° Antonia Sarcina, che da quest’anno ha iniziato ad esibirsi anche fuori del Conservatorio.

Le lezioni sono aperte anche ad uditori esterni (contributo didattico Euro 50,00).

PIETER JANSEN – Pieter Jansen (born 1956) has taught percussion at the Maastricht Academy of Music since 1985. He studied percussion and piano at the Maastricht Academy of Music and later obtained his diploma in Wind Band/Brass Band Conducting under Piet Stalmeier.

In 1978 he became principal percussionist with the Limburg Symphony Orchestra and in 1993 he was a guest conductor with the Marine Band of the Royal Netherlands Navy for the first time. In 1996 he was appointed principal conductor of the Royal Netherlands Military Band and in 2001 he was named artistic director of the Marine Band. As a military conductor, he has worked throughout the world, and he has recorded a number of CDs.

He has been a guest conductor with a number of ensembles, including the Limburg Symphony Orchestra, the Brabants Orkest, and many military orchestras in other countries.
He has had a very significant influence on wind music in Limburg. He won national titles as a conductor with the best ensembles in the country, such as the Koninklijke Philharmonie Bocholtz, which he led together with Heinz Friezen.

Currently Pieter Jansen is the artistic director of the Limburgs Slagwerk Ensemble and the Netherlands Military Tattoo, and the Inspector of Military Music of the Dutch Armed Forces.

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